2025 AGP Philippines Pro Qualifier

Open to international competitors worldwide.

  • Online Registration USD $250 (PHP 14,000, KRW 320,000) and Crossover $100 (PHP 5,600, KRW 130,000)
  • Walk in Registration USD $300 (PHP 16,800, KRW 400,000) per category.

Open to international competitors worldwide. IFBB PRO Card will be awarded to overall winner each division.

  • As a result of notifications from the IFBB PRO League, athletes from following countries must bring a REGIONAL CERTIFICATE of participation in the regional contests from each promoter in that country: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Cambodia, Chile, Colombia, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, South Africa, South Korea, Singapore, Spain, (District of) Taiwan, Thailand, United Kingdom, Uruguay, Vietnam. (No alteration to the certificate is allowed)

  • If an athlete resides in a country with a Regional Certificate requirement but there are no Regional contests in that country until later in the year, the athlete may compete in a Pro Qualifier contest anywhere in the world provided the Pro Qualifier contest is held before the first Regional contest in his or her country.  When this Regional contest is held, the athlete may not compete in any other Pro Qualifier contest without first obtaining a Regional Certificate from his or her country.
  • Walk in Registration $350 per category.

Event Information

Date: September 7th

Location: Manila, Philippines

Venue: SMX Convention Center, Aura BGC

Address: 3rd and 4th Level, SM Aura Premier 26th Street, Corner McKinley Pkwy, Taguig, 1630 Metro Manila

Athlete Check-ins: September 6th, 2pm

Check-in location: SMX Convention Center, Aura BGC

No professional photography or videography will be permitted at this show other than our official media team.

Event Order

  • 2pm: Bikini, Wellness & Figure
  • 3pm: Bodybuilding & Classic Physique
  • 4pm: Men’s Physique
  • 5pm: Award

Divisions and Classes

Bodybuilding: Novice, Open (-70kg, -80kg, -90kg, +90kg)

Classic Physique: Novice, Open (class breakdown by number of competitors)

Men’s Physique: Novice, Open (class breakdown by number of competitors)

Bikini: : Novice, Open (class breakdown by number of competitors)

Figure: : Novice, Open (class breakdown by number of competitors)

*Divisions may be combined if less than 5 registers for a given class

Athlete Service

Official Stage Photography: Book when athlete check-in

Spray Tanning: Book when athlete check-in

Hair & Make-up: Book when athlete check-in


Athlete Check-in

7월 28일 내추럴 프로 퀄리파이어

장소: 서울 에스플렉스 센터

주소: 서울 마포구 매봉산로 31

계측 일정
시간: 7월 27일 12:00 – 14:00
장소: 에스플렉스 센터 2층 로비

대회 운영 순서
비키니, 웰니스, 피겨: 9:00 – 11:00
멘즈 피지크: 11:00 – 14:00
클래식 피지크: 14:00 – 16:00
보디빌딩: 16:00 – 18:00

입장 티켓: 대회장 현장 예매

9월 28일 토요일

장소: 수원 컨벤션 센터

주소: 경기도 수원시 영통구 광교중앙로 140

입장 티켓: 대회장 현장 예매

9월 29일 일요일

티켓 예매: 오후 4:30

대회 시작: 오후 5시

종목 순서: 비키니, 피겨, 멘즈 피지크, 클래식 피지크, 212

티켓 예매: 대회 현장 오후 4시 30분 시작